Year 3 Autumn Term 2
In English, we will look at the book ‘Pebble in my Pocket’ by Meredith Hooper. This book follows a pebbles journey through time, from its beginning in a fiery volcano to its place in the busy modern world. It is informative and provides the children with lots of facts also some brilliant vocabulary.
We will be looking at the book ‘The Green Ship’ by Quentin Blake. This story will build on the narrative skills developed in the first half term. This book is about and exciting adventure which will help to develop the children’s imagination and creativity.
In Maths, we will be continuing to use ‘Power Maths’. We will be focusing on addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division. As we move through the units we will be using different strategies including column methods, number lines and recall of number facts. We will look at using and applying these skills in different contexts too. The children will continue to use part whole models and bar models to help with this.
Our topic this half term is Rocks which will involve looking at different rock formations, volcanoes and earthquakes. This links well with the stories in English as well as our Science which is Rocks and Soils. We will investigate and describe different types of rocks and soils and how they are made. We will find out how different rocks can be used for different jobs. Rocks can hold secrets too so we will be finding out about fossils, how they are made and the types of rocks they may be found in.
In Design and Technology, we will be looking at toys that move using mechanisms. This project teaches children about cam mechanisms. We will experiment with different shaped cams before designing, making their own and then evaluating their work.
We will continue working on French building their vocabulary using Kapow. This term we will be working on the ‘French Classroom’. Understanding vocabulary that links with classroom instructions as well as different items.
In Music, we will be learning about traditional Indian music. We will listen to different pieces of music identifying the different traditional instruments as well as creating their own improvisations and performing in groups and as a class.
In RE, we will continue to think about Christianity. The children will be thinking about how Christians celebrate Christmas and why. They will also talk about celebrations and traditions they have with their families. It is always beneficial for the children to hear from each other and how each other’s homes and beliefs are different.
This term the children will be learning about gymnastics. They will develop their individual skills when learning about jumps, rolls and balances. The children will then create routines and understand the importance of body management when using equipment.
In their second PE lesson, the children will be developing their knowledge and understanding when taking part in orienteering. They will be need to use their co-operation, communication skills and be determined, whilst completing a variety of activities.
In Jigsaw (PSHE) the unit is Celebrating Difference. This Jigsaw unit will encourage the children to recognise that everyone is different and experiences feelings. We all often need to find ways to deal with them in order to resolve problems.