
Year 3 Summer Term 2

This half term Year 3 will be continuing to read the story based ‘Fly, Eagle, Fly!’ which is based on an African folk tale by Christopher Gregorowski. We will then be working on building skills linked to writing a narrative. We will link this to different stories, characters and settings.

We will continue to encourage lots of reading, aiming for the children to achieve their Accelerated Reader targets to finish the year. This will continue to help the children to build their comprehension skills. Reading their AR books is important as the books are the right level of challenge for the children to help to improve their reading skills and in turn helping to develop a love of reading.

In Maths, the children will be moving onto statistics. We will then spend some time consolidating all of their learning about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as other areas of the maths curriculum covered this year.

In Geography this half term, we will be working on ‘One Planet, Our World’. This unit will help the children to locate countries and cities as well as learn about the different climate zones. We will also be using compass points and grid references.

In Science, we will be looking at keeping ourselves healthy through ‘Feeding and Movement’. The children will continue to make observations and find evidence in different investigations.  

The children will be building on their previous learning. They will add to this by linking to Science by looking at animals, habitats, food chains and life cycles. They will build their vocabulary and build their understanding of sentence structure.

In Music, we will be looking at traditional music from India. The children will listen to a variety of music and identify different musical instruments. They will also be improvising some of their own music and performing to the class.

In Design Technology this term the children are finding out more about food and how to cook it in ‘Cook well, Eatwell’. They will be thinking about different techniques for cooking the same thing and what a difference this can make. They will also be designing and cooking a healthy snack. This will involve chopping, peeling and cooking skills.

We will continue reinforcing our ‘5 Hands of Millbrook’ vision. We will be thinking about how learning is helping to prepare for the future.

Jigsaw will look at ‘Changing Me’. This involves thinking about transition, preparing the children to move forward into Year 4. There is a separate letter regarding this.

In PE, the children will start the term by continuing to learn about the sport of Tennis. They will carry on developing their skills and play small games in their lessons. Then they will begin to learn about Rounders. They will be learning how to bowl, bat and field as they take part in a variety of activities to develop their throwing and catching abilities. The children will also be introduced to the rules and scoring of the game over the term.

In their second PE lesson, the children will continue to take part in a variety of Athletics events. They will develop their running, jumping and throwing techniques across a variety of track and field events over the term. They will also learn how tactics are used within athletic events.