
Year 3 Spring Term 1

In the first half of the spring term, we will be starting our ‘Ancient Greece’ unit. This topic will continue all term. It will develop the children’s knowledge of the ancient Greeks discovering how and when the ancient civilisation flourished. They will focus on their culture, armies and heroes.

In English, we will be looking at the story ‘The Green Ship’ by Quentin Blake. This book is full of beautiful illustrations, it is based on the adventures of a brother and sister who sneak into an overgrown garden during a long summer holiday. It is a great way to build on the narrative work we have already done. The children will be using their imagination and building their vocabulary creating some super pieces of writing.

of the ancient

In Science, we will be starting to look at plants. We will be learning about the different parts and what their purposes are to ensure a healthy plant. This will be a good opportunity to start planting things ready to watch them grow over the next few weeks and through the rest of the school year.

In Maths, we will continue to work on multiplication and division using 2- digit numbers. The children can continue to work on this by regularly using TT Rockstars to build their fluency for multiplication and the related division facts. 

We will also work on solving problems using different methods and areas we have looked at through the year so far. We will then be moving onto perimeter and length.

In French, the children will be counting in French from one to twelve, recognise the written number words, asking how old someone is and answer the same question, comparing sentence structures in French and English, and practising all the vocabulary by playing counting and some traditional French games.

In RE, we will be looking at Islam throughout the whole of the term. We will think about what is important to people who follow the religion, special artefacts and practices. This will be linked to Geography as we look at where the religion started and how Muslims travel to Mecca.

The children will be completing an Art unit this half term looking at the work of botanical artists. They will look at different drawings and paintings and have a go at being a botanical artist. They will be designing their own botanical inspired wall paper.

Music this half term will be all about Chinese New Year. We will use the pentatonic scale to compose layered pieces of music. The children will use different instruments as part of a group, performing their final pieces to the class.

Our new Jigsaw PSHE unit will be ‘Healthy Me’. This will focus on different ways to stay healthy both physically and mentally. We will be taking part in mental health week too. 

In PE this term, the children will be learning to put actions to music when creating dance routines. They will be working in pairs and groups to use their imagination to choreograph movements that flow and keep the rhythm of the music. The children will need to think about how directions of movements, levels, shapes and pathways can improve their ideas. 

In their second PE lesson, the children will be learning how physical activity can be adapted. They will take part in a variety of sports such as bowls, boccia and table tennis. They will use communication, cooperation and their imaginations to develop their own activities and suggest ideas on how sports could be adapted.