Year 3 Spring Term 2
Our topic of Gods and Mortals will continue over this half term. The children will be learning more about myths and legends as well as the beginning of the Olympics. We will also be looking at how the ancient Greeks have had an impact on life today.
In English, we will continue to read the story of ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ by Kate DiCamillo. This is an adventure story set in North America that will encourage the children to develop their descriptive writing of settings and then planning their own writing. In the story Edward, a china rabbit, experiences wildly different settings, identities and owners, thereby gradually learning the value of love and friendship. Edward’s often harrowing experiences help shape him from a vain, pompous creature into a thoughtful, considerate friend.
In Maths, we will be counting to work on fractions before we move onto looking at measures including mass and capacity. As always, this will also involve problem solving using different calculations. Please continue to work on Maths Flex at home as well as TT Rockstar. If there are areas that were found to be tricky please return to those nuggets and they will count for Home Learning so long as it is not in the same week.
TT Rockstar is a great way to continue to build confidence and fluency of facts for multiplication and division making it easier for the children to solve problems.
In Science, we will be continuing to look at plants. Now the children have a good understanding of the different parts of the plants they will be thinking about what plants need to grow and flourish to be healthy plants. of
In French, the children will be working on French playground games using numbers. This can continue to be worked on at home using Linguascope.
In Computing the children will be learning about Data Handling and creating data bases. They will be learning about records, fields and data. They will then move onto sorting and filtering.
In Design Technology, the children will be learning about making frames. Using different materials and tools safely. The children will design, make and evaluate an end product.
In PE this term, the children will be learning about Netball. They will develop their passing, improve their shooting and learn about movement in the game when they take part in a variety of activities. The children will also learn how to implement basic attacking and defending tactics.
In their second PE lesson, the children will be learning about Hockey. They will be challenged to work as part of a team across a variety of activities. They will develop their stick-handling skills when learning to dribble, pass, shot and tackle.
In PSHE our theme for the next half term will be ‘Dreams and Goals’, the children will be encouraged to think about what their hopes and ambitions are for the future. We will be helping the children understand that achieving those goals may take hard work and the overcoming of different obstacles.