
Year 5 Spring Term 2

In English this term, we will be continuing our work using Cosmic by Frank Cotteril Boyce.

This humorous adventure is seen through the eyes of twelve-year-old Liam Digby a ‘gifted and talented’ child whose physical appearance ages him beyond his years.

We will follow Liam and his friend, Florida Kirby on this humorous, action packed adventure exploring the ups and downs of being a parent and the consequences of a ‘little white lie’ The children will have the opportunity to consider moral dilemmas and the consequences of the choices that can be made.

The children will be writing persuasion texts, diary entries, emails and narratives. They will develop the reading skills of inference, retrieval, explain and predict and they will have opportunities to learn through drama and role play.

In Maths, we will be completing our learning of decimals and percentages. The children will be comparing and ordering decimals, rounding decimals to the nearest whole and to one decimal place. We will complete the unit by developing our understanding of percentages and learn how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. Year 5 will then move onto developing our understanding of Measure – perimeter and area, Year 5 pupils will be able to: find the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes and polygons; calculate the area of rectangles and compound shapes. During unit 11, Year 5 will be developing their knowledge of Graphs and tables. We will draw line graphs, read and interpret line graphs, read and interpret tables.

 In Science, we are learning about ‘Types of Change’. The children will explore dissolving by seeing how many drops of water it takes to dissolve the same amount of different substances and will use the terms solute and solvent. They will use evaporation to recover dissolved solutes and will recognise that these are reversible changes. They will also recognise that mixing and changes of state are reversible changes.

In History, we will be beginning our study of the Tudors. Pupils will travel back through time to over 500 years ago. They will learn about all five Tudor monarchs with a particular focus on Henry VIII and, his daughter, Elizabeth I. In our lessons, children will use historical sources to determine whether Henry VIII was a successful king. Pupils will consider each of Henry VIII’s six wives and discuss the possible causes for the break with the Catholic Church. They will research to find out about the forty-four-year long reign of Elizabeth I.

In Music, we will be learning about ‘South and West Africa’ which involves the children singing using the correct pronunciation, playing a chord with two notes, performing with accuracy and finishing the unit by playing more complicated rhythms in time with rests.

In PSHE, we will be studying the unit ‘Dreams and Goals’. Over this unit of work, children will identify what they would like their life to be like when they are grown up; investigate a range of jobs and explored how much people earn in different jobs; identify a job they would like to do when grown up and what they need to do to achieve this; can describe the dreams and goals of young people from a different culture and how we could support those dreams.

In DT, children will be doing a project that teaches them about how architectural style and technology has developed over time and then use this knowledge to design a building with specific features.

In French, we will continue our work on Shopping for food at a market.   The children will revise their numbers and learn how to say the prices of items. They will learn items of food that can be bought at a market and develop their writing skills to produce descriptive sentences. The children can use the online platform Linguascope to practise at home and have the opportunity to learn a new language.

In RE, the children will continue to learn about the creation stories form different religions and cultures.  They will investigate the similarities and differences between the different accounts of how our World came to be. They will be given the opportunity to consider the bigger questions about why and how our World was created both from a religious and scientific perspective.  They will also be able to express their views as to how our World can be protected and cared for in the future.

In PE, the children will be learning about the sport of Netball in their PE lessons. They will develop their passing, improve their shooting and learn about movement in the game when they take part in a variety of activities. The children will also learn how to implement basic attacking and defending tactics. The children will be completing their swimming lessons during their second lesson.