
Year 5 Summer Term 2

In English this term, we will be starting a new book entitled ‘Way Home,’ by Libby Hawthorne. It is the story of a boy who lives on the streets and has no friends. We will be investigating the issues that this story highlights and our writing outcomes will be in the form of poetry, setting and character descriptions, playscripts, recounts, writing in role and a persuasive letter.

In Maths, we will be completing our unit developing the children’s knowledge of decimal numbers and will be taught to add, subtract and problem solve. The children will then investigate negative numbers before moving onto the final units of work deepening their understanding of converting units of measure and calculating volume.

In Science, children will learn about the life cycles of insects, birds, amphibians and mammals.  They will look at the different stages of life cycles, compare life cycles of different species and create linear timelines. They will demonstrate their understanding of metamorphosis as well as utilise their maths skills by comparing and graphing gestation times. Finally, the children will have the opportunity to observe the different stages of a life cycle in real-time as we watch caterpillars turn into butterflies.

In French, we will continue to work on our Monster Pets unit, where the children will use their detective skills to unpick authentic texts, learn how to write descriptions of monster pets and learn about nouns, gender and plurals.

In Music, children are introduced to musical theatre; learning how singing, acting and dancing can be combined to give an overall performance.

In Geography, we will continue with our Sow, Grow and Farm topic. We will be looking at specific case studies regarding where certain foods are grown and consider the impact that food miles have on our environment. The children will also be learning about 6 figure grid references and practising using their geographical skills.

In RE, the children will continue with the unit of work on Christianity.

They will continue to learn about the symbols of Christianity, the celebrations, what it is like to be a Christian, the texts that Christians use, the buildings, the importance of music, the biblical account of stories about Jesus and Christianity around the World. They will make comparisons with other religions.

In PSHE, the children will be completing the Jigsaw unit entitled Changing Me. Lessons will include self-awareness and body image, puberty, understanding what changes will take place and strategies of how to cope with change.

In Computing, the children will be completing their final lesson of Online Safety and begin their final unit of Year 5: Skills showcase, Mars Rover 2. Within this unit the children will create a pixel picture, save a JPEG, be able to explain the ‘fetch, decode, execute’ cycle in relation to real-world situations and begin to use 3D design tools.

In DT, the children will be developing their understanding of seasonal vegetables and the benefits of eating seasonally. They will extend their knowledge of healthy diets and will use this knowledge to create, cook and evaluate a recipe.

In PE, the children will start the term by continuing to learn about the sport of Tennis. They will carry on developing their skills and play small games in their lessons. Then they will begin to learn about Cricket. They will be developing their throwing and catching abilities through a range of activities to enable them to play the game. The children will learn a variety of batting strokes, how to bowl and will learn the basics of fielding. The children will also learn about the rules and scoring used in the game.

In their second PE lesson, the children will continue to take part in a variety of Athletics events. They will develop their running, jumping and throwing techniques across a variety of track and field events over the term. They will also learn how tactics are used within athletic events.