
Key Information

Hardcopy delivery

Copies of documents found on this website are available by request at the school office.

School contact details

Millbrook Junior School
Churchill Way
NN15 5DP

Contact at the school: Mrs Danielle Warren
Phone: 01536 517049

Admission arrangements

The Governors will admit up to 120 children in each year group

All our admissions are handled by North Northamptonshire Council Admissions Team.

You can download a copy of our admissions policy from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.

GDPR Privacy Policy

Under data protection law, individuals have a right to be informed about how the school uses any personal data that we hold about them. We comply with this right by providing ‘privacy notices’ (sometimes called ‘fair processing notices’) to individuals where we are processing their personal data.

This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal data about pupils.

We, Millbrook Junior School, are the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.

Our data protection officer is Paul Stratford

Please see our privacy notice from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.

Pupil Performance Data (Assessment Results)

Our Assessment Results can be found by clicking on the link in the sidebar.  These are usually updated in December.  Our latest school results can be found on our school results page.

School Performance Tables

School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education's website can be found using the School Comparison Website link in the sidebar.

For a local breakdown of our school performance, please read our School Results page.


The most recent report about the school published by her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills can be found by clicking the link on the right hand side. You will also find links to Ofsted Parent View for your own comments on our school, as well at the Government School Comparison website which presents an analysis of our performance and allows you to contrast that with other schools

Financial Information

There are no employees at Millbrook Junior School earning a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

You can view the school's financial benchmarking information by clicking here.

The Curriculum

Information and Policies, with respect to our learning across the school can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.

If you would like to read more about our curriculum please read our Curriculum page.

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) information

Our Inclusion Policy can be downloadedfrom the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar. This encompasses our Policy for SEN as well as our Local Offer (SEN Report).

The Local Offer

In September 2014 a new Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) was published. As a result every local authority must identify education, health and social care services in their local area provided for children, young people and families who have Special Educational Needs or disabilities and include them in an information directory called the Local Offer.

Please see the link to North Northamptonshire’s Local Offer on the right hand side.

PE and Sports Premium for Primary Schools

The Government has provided school sport funding in order to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport.

Reports on the grants received by the school can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar. 

Pupil Premium Grant

The school's allocated Pupil Premium funding is shown in the Pupil Premium Strategy and can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.


A full breakdown of information related to our governing body can be found within our Governors page. Here we provide information about the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and its committees and information about each governor’s business interests, financial interests and governance roles in other schools.

Values and Ethos

Our Ethos

At Millbrook Junior School we are very proud of the children in our school. We recognise that all children have different experiences and come from many different starting points in life but we encourage every child to strive to be the very best that they can be. Our mission statement, created by the children is;

Dream, Believe, Aspire, Achieve

and we aim to ensure this runs through the heart of everything we do.

Our Values

Although we want every child to achieve academically it is also important to us that all children achieve in terms of their personal development. We take every opportunity to encourage children to value independence, respect and equality. We want our children to be courageous and determined in their work and not be afraid to push themselves or make mistakes, as these are the skills that will enable them to be successful in whatever they chose to do in their future lives.

Behaviour policy

Our Behaviour Policy and our Anti-Bullying Policy can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.

Complaints policy

Our Complaints Policy can be can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.


Our Safeguarding Policy can be can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.

Charging and Remissions policy

A copy of our Charging and Remissions policy can be downloaded from the Key Files & Reports panel in the sidebar.


Safeguarding Files

Key Files & Reports

Title Download
pdf Abuse Against Staff Policy Download
pdf Accessibility Plan Policy Download
pdf Admissions Policy September 2020 entry Download
pdf Admissions Policy September 2021 entry Download
pdf Admissions Policy September 2022 entry Download
pdf Admissions Policy September 2023 entry Download
pdf Admissions Policy September 2024 entry Download
pdf Admissions Policy September 2025 entry Download
pdf Anti Bullying Policy Download
pdf Attendance Policy (Pupils) Download
pdf Behaviour Policy Download
pdf Catch up funding spend and plan 2020 2021 Download
pdf Child Missing from Education procedure Download
pdf Complaints Policy Download
pdf Data Protection Policy Download
pdf Equality information and objectives policy Download
pdf First Aid Policy Download
pdf Freedom of Information Policy Download
pdf Gifts and Hospitality Policy Download
pdf Harmful Sexual behaviour Download
pdf Home Learning Policy Download
pdf Inclusion Policy Download
pdf Income and Charging Policy Download
pdf Keeping children safe in education 2022 Download
pdf Millbrook Junior School Ofsted Monitoring Visit November 2020 Download
pdf Millbrook Junior School Ofsted Report December 2017 Download
pdf More Able Policy Download
pdf Non-collection of children Download
pdf Online Safety Policy Download
pdf PE and Sports Premium Expendicture Report 2021-2022 Download
pdf PE and Sports Premium Expendicture Report 2022 - 2023 Download
pdf Presentation, Marking and Challenge Policy Download
pdf Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism Policy Download
pdf Privacy Notice - Job Applicants Download
pdf Privacy Notice - Governors-Trustees-Volunteers Download
pdf Privacy Notice - Parents-Carers Download
pdf Privacy Notice - Pupils Download
pdf Privacy Notice Visitors Download
pdf Religious Education and Collective Worship Policy Download
pdf Remote Learning Policy Download
pdf RSE Policy Appendix Download
pdf PSHE Curriculum Map Download
pdf PSHE and Statutory Relationships and Health Education Download
pdf PSHE including RSE policy 2023 Download
pdf Pupil Premium Statement 2021 to 2024 Download
pdf Safeguarding Policy Download
pdf School Evacuation Plan 2021 Download
pdf SEND Information Report 2022-2023 Download
pdf Surveillance and CCTV Policy Download
pdf Suspension and Exclusion Policy Download
pdf Uniform Policy Download
pdf Voluntering Policy Download