
Year 6 Autumn Term 2

In English, Canberra and Tokyo Classes will then study the novel ‘Street Child,’ by Berlie Doherty. This historical adventure story is set during the reign of Queen Victoria. The main character, Jim finds himself with no family and thrown into the workhouse.  Jim manages to escape but his problems are just beginning. The children’s writing outcomes will include recounts from Jim’s point of view as well as letters, poetry, balanced arguments and articles about conditions for children during the Victorian era.

Beijing and Cairo classes will y be focusing on the ‘Faster Read’ project during this term.

In Maths, the children will continue to develop their understanding of the four rules, focusing on division and multiplication. They will then move onto to fractions where they will be simplifying, comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions. Finally, they will be combining their knowledge of fractions and the four operations to multiply and divide fractions.

In Science, children will be looking at evolution and inheritance. We will start the topic by looking at the development of planet Earth and where animals and plants fit into this. We will then investigate fossils and the life of the famous palaeontologist Mary Anning. Children will then look at variation and natural selection and write a biography of Charles Darwin. Finally, they will research how plants and animals are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and answer their own questions from the topic.   

Working scientifically, children will have the opportunity to plan and carry out investigations around adaptation, including trying out different beaks to eat a variety of foods. They will also use evidence to support or refute their ideas or arguments and research and present their findings to their class. 

In DT, this term, the children will become engineers. This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They will be completing a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.

In History, the pupils will be looking at the Victorian age,  a time when great minds thought new thoughts and ingenious inventors created so many things that we take for granted today: the electric light bulb, the telephone and the first flushing toilet. They will be investigating the impact of the industrial revolution on Britain and what evidence there is of the Victorian age in Kettering today.

In Computing

We will begin our learning by looking at global careers in computing and how children can pursue their dreams and goals in their future employment. Our pupils will then be looking at the importance of Bletchley Park to the World War II effort.  They will be looking into why it is important to have a secure password and why a longer password is more secure than a short one.  They will also look at the reasons for the first computer being built and they will create a Google site with information about Bletchley Park.


In PSHE, pupils will study the unit 'Celebrating'. Lessons will include thinking about different perceptions of what ‘normal‘ means and how being different could affect someone’s life. Children will gain understanding of the reasons why people use bullying behaviours and consider strategies for managing their own feelings and behaviours.

In RE, Year 6 will be continue their learning about Judaism. The children will be investigating the key features and rituals of a synagogue as well as gaining an understanding of the meaning of Shabbat and Jewish festivals.



In PE this term, the children will be learning about gymnastics and dance. They will develop their individual balancing skills, learn about counter balances, create routines and understand the importance of body management when using the equipment. The children will also be putting routines to music and learning how to use cannon and unison techniques within dance.

In their second PE lesson, the children will be developing their knowledge and understanding when taking part in orienteering. They will be need to use co-operation, communication skills and determination whilst completing a variety of activities.

In French, the children will continue learning sports vocabulary associated with the Olympics and reinforce their learning of the verb aller – to go; expressing preferences plus the infinitive; revisiting nouns for countries and learning how to contract articles when using the verb faire.

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