Year 4 Spring Term 1
English – Leon and the Place Between
Our text this term is Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister and illustrated by Grahame Baker-Smith (Templar).
Leon is a boy who believes in magic. This exciting and beautifully illustrated picture book follows Leon beyond the realm of the circus big-top and, with a ‘Pouff!’ from the great magician, Abdul Kazam, onto a magic carpet ride into the place where the magic sends you...
Throughout the unit the children will:
- explore, interpret and respond to illustrations in a picture book
- enjoy a story and discuss its meanings
- build an imaginative picture of a fantasy world, based on real life experiences
- explore these through role play and through writing in role
- write their own stories based on the story read from another character’s point of view
This half term pupils will continue their work on multiplication and division, learning how to use informal and formal written methods. For our first unit on fractions, they will learn to partition, compare and order mixed number and convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa.
Science – Human Nutrition
‘Human Nutrition’ is our Science topic for this half term. This will focus on the understanding of personal health and how this is related to human nutrition. Pupils will explore the digestive system and concentrate on being able to name different types of human teeth as well as some teeth from other animals.
Design Technology – Good Food, Fresh Food
This project teaches children about food decay and preservation. They will discover key inventions in food preservation and packaging, then make their own packaging designs. The children will prepare, taste test and evaluate a healthy snack.
Geography – Mountains
During our ‘Mountains’ topic, pupils will investigate different mountains and their ranges from around the world. They will complete detailed geographical enquiries to secure our geographical knowledge and examine different types of equipment needed when exploring mountains.
French – Clothes – Getting dressed in France
Our focus for French this term to correctly identify items of clothing based on the written word and learn to say these with accurate pronunciation. Pupils will start to recognise whether our new vocabulary uses the masculine (un) or feminine (une) form and how to use the pronoun des for plural. Using their new vocabulary, they will compose simple sentences placing the adjective in the correct position in relation to the noun.
PSHE – Jigsaw – Healthy Me
‘Healthy Me’ is our PSHE focus this term, pupils will discuss how to stay healthy inside and out! They will be thinking about alcohol and smoking as well as friendships and a healthy mind.
R.E. – The Church at Easter
RE this term has a focus on ‘The Church at Easter’. Pupils will be discussing the significance of The Last Supper, Lent and Palm Sunday, producing a diverse range of work including extended writing opportunities.
This term the children will be learning to put actions to music when creating dance routines. They will be working in pairs and groups to use their imagination to choreograph movements that flow and keep the rhythm of the music. The children will need to think about the direction of movements, levels, shapes and pathways can improve their ideas.
In their second PE lesson, the children will be learning how physical activity can be adapted. They will take part in a variety of sports such as bowls, Boccia and table tennis. They will use communication, cooperation and their imagination to develop their own activities and suggest ideas on how sports could be adapted.
Computing – Creating Media (Website design)
During this unit, pupils will develop their research, word processing, and collaborative working skills whilst learning how web pages and web sites are created. They will explore how to change layouts, embed images and videos and link between pages.