
Year 4 Spring Term 2


This term, our text is ‘One Plastic Bag’, which is the story about one woman’s struggle to tackle plastic pollution in the Gambia. The children will explore, interpret and respond to the illustrations throughout the book, as well as producing non-fiction pieces about the environmental impact of waste around the world.


This term, we continue our work with fractions.  The children will add and subtract mixed numbers and fractions, find fractions of an amount and use our skills to solve fraction problems. Our next unit is decimals, where the children will learn to recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths. They will develop effective methods to divide a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100.

Science – Sound

In this unit, the children will identify and describe different sounds and learn that sounds are produced by vibrations. They will explore how vibrations travel from the source of the sound through a variety of materials to the ear. Using a variety of materials, the children will investigate the range of ways of producing sounds and how the pitch and volume of a sound can be altered.

Geography  –  Misty Mountains

Our Geography topic ‘Misty Mountains’ will continue through this term. We will be conducting a Geographical Enquiry involving naming, locating and explaining the importance of significant mountains.


This term, during our unit ‘Skills Showcase – HTML’, the children will learn to edit the HTML of a web page to change the layout of a website and the text and images.


This term, the children will be learning about the sport of Basketball in their P.E. lessons. They will develop their passing, dribbling and improve their shooting skills. They will learn about movement in the game when they take part in a variety of activities. The children will also learn how to implement basic attacking and defending tactics.

In their second P.E. lesson, the children will be learning about Hockey. The children will be challenged to work as part of a team across a variety of activities. They will develop their stick-handling skills when learning to dribble, pass, shoot and tackle.


PSHE – Jigsaw – Dreams and Goals

‘Dreams and Goals’ is our PSHE focus this term. The children will be discussing how to overcome disappointment, how to achieve goals, create new dreams and will be provided with the opportunity to share these with others. 

R.E. – The Church at Easter

Our R.E. this term will continue to focus on ‘The Church at Easter’. The children will be looking at the weeks leading up to Easter and deepening our understanding of how and why Christians celebrate this festival.


This term, our French lessons will focus on the weather and the water cycle. The children will learn phrases to describe the weather and vocabulary for the compass points. They will recap counting from 1-100 in multiples of ten and combine this knowledge to make statements about what the temperature is in different parts of France to deliver a weather forecast. The unit culminates in a French science lesson where the children explore the water cycle and recognise scientific cognates.

Design and Technology 

This term, we are looking at ‘Functional and Fancy Fabrics’, where the children will begin by exploring a range of fabrics and their properties. This will lead to experimenting with a variety of techniques such as printing and sewing in order to create our own fabric design.