
Year 4 Summer Term 2


This term, we will explore the text ‘Tales of Wisdom and Wonder.’ This features short tales that will lead to retelling the story in our own words and creating illustrations, as well taking part in drama and role-play activities. 


We will start the term by learning about time, including both analogue and digital clocks. We will then move on to explore a variety of charts and tables, looking at different ways of interpreting information. Finally, we will look at shape, investigating properties including angles and lines of symmetry.

Science – Electricity

Electricity is our new Science topic this term. We will be experimenting with circuits, identifying the reasons why they break, recognising symbols as well as discussing the potential dangers of electricity.

History – Invasion

This term, we will continue to find out who invaded Britain after the Romans. We will find out about the Viking invaders. We will compare the everyday lives of the two invading forces – the Anglo Saxons and Vikings - and find similarities and differences between them. At the end of the unit, we will learn about the Norman invasion.

We are looking forward to our trip to Chester House where will experience being archaeological explorers: searching for clues in the landscape, archaeological investigators: discovery and recording and archaeological investigators: stories from objects. The excavations involve uncovering a Roman cemetery which will allow the children the opportunity to view human skeletal material.

Design Technology – Hillfort Builders

In this unit, we explore the advantages of six simple machines: pulley, lever, wheel and axel, wedge, inclined plane and screw. We will make simple prototype machines for the purpose of moving ‘building materials’ to the top of the hill to build a hill fort. These will be tested to see which is most effective.

Music - Recorders

This term, we will continue learning how to play a musical instrument - the recorder.  As we learn to play more notes, we will start to understand staff notation and begin to recognise these new notes on the stave. We will continue to describe music using the elements of music - pitch, tempo and dynamics. 

Computing – Data handling

This unit involves researching and storing data using spreadsheets; designing a weather station that gathers and records data; learning how weather forecasts are made and using green screen technology to present a weather forecast.


Using the concept of the Eurovision Song Contest, the children will write original songs in French, using vocabulary from years 3 and 4, including rhyming sounds. They will learn additional music vocabulary and expand their knowledge of the French names of European countries. They will talk about playing an instrument and expressing likes and dislikes about different styles of music.


The children will start the term by continuing to learn about the sport of tennis. They will carry on developing their skills and play small games in their lessons. Then they will begin to learn rounders, where they will be learning how to bowl, bat and field.  As they take part in a variety of activities they will develop their throwing and catching abilities. The children will also be introduced to the rules and scoring of the game over the term.

In their second PE lesson, the children will continue to take part in a variety of Athletics events. They will develop their running, jumping and throwing techniques across a variety of track and field events. They will also learn how tactics are used within different athletic events.

PSHE – Jigsaw – Changing Me

‘Changing me’ will look at a range of ways we change and develop as we grow-up, including looking at how to cope with unexpected changes that may happen.

R.E. – Buddhism

This term, we will continue to find out about one of the world’s main religions, Buddhism. This term, we will be looking in more detail at the founder of the religion, and examining some of the key beliefs that Buddhists share.