


First and foremost, at Millbrook Junior School, we endeavour to promote a curiosity in children about how our world works. We want our children to notice the world around them, asking questions about it and wanting to find out more. We intend to provide our children with the fundamental knowledge and the key skills that they will need to be able to independently explore and research the world around them.

With high quality resources and equipment, we want to facilitate engaging and memorable hands-on experiments that our students are excited about carrying out.  Moreover, we strive to get children involved in the collaborative planning of experiments. We want them to think like a scientist and to use scientific language as together these can bolster their acquisition of knowledge and inspire their curiosities. We want this to happen both in the classroom and where possible, outside of the classroom in our fantastic and expansive school grounds. All in all, we want to promote an inquisitiveness that will lead to questioning and in turn develop into in-depth class discussions where the children can, in part, learn from each other.

We aim that our children will have a desire to learn and find out more about their world. Using the Five Hands of Millbrook, we encourage the children to look to the future, thinking about the ways in which science is used and how it helps them. Children often have a vision of a scientist, and here at Millbrook Junior School, they know that they have the opportunity to be the scientists of the future!

Our hard work has meant that we have now achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark award in Science. We are very proud of everyone at Millbrook Junior School for this achievement.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 3



Rocks and Soils

Parts of Plants

What Plants Need

Light and Shadows

Movement & Feeding

Year 4


Grouping Living Things

Dangers to Living Things

States of Matter


Human Nutrition


Year 5


Earth and Space


Separating Mixtures

Types of Change

Life Cycles

Year 6




Classifying Living Things

Changing Circuits

Animals and Humans

Review & Celebration


Subject Leader: Juliette Meagher

Science Progression Grid