
Religious Education

At Millbrook Junior School, we aim to teach the children about the world they live in. We aim that children will in turn build a deeper understanding of the people who live in it too. We are lucky to live in a country with such a diverse population. Therefore, it is vital that children grow individually and together with an understanding of others, developing a tolerance and respect for one another. Our children are the future and should be accepting and supporting of other people’s beliefs and cultures. Religious Education (R.E.) is one way we do this at Millbrook Junior School.

Everyone at Millbrook Junior School are treated equally and are respected. Through a wide range of artefacts, stories and drama, we aim to encourage a fascination and curiosity with the world that inspires children to ask questions to find out more. We follow the locally Agreed Syllabus for Northamptonshire. We follow a R.E. unit for a whole term so that children can gain a greater understanding of the religion, which they are learning. In class, we may have children of different religious backgrounds and these are always respected and celebrated. We aim for the children to think about the religion and what this means to those who follow it and about their own lives and what they do with their families in their home. Children are encouraged to share their experiences with others.

We feel that our children are excited to learn about and from religion. It is real life and children are interested as they can relate to it in some way. Our children come from a variety of religious backgrounds and are tolerant and respectful of each other. Our Five Hands of Millbrook provides the children with the opportunity to reflect on their learning and understand why it is so important to understand the beliefs and celebrations of others.

Parents/carers may withdraw their children from Religious Education providing they give written notification to the school.

You can find out more about the RE syllabus please visit Religious education - agreed syllabus - Schools and education (northamptonshire.gov.uk)


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 3


Christianity LKS2

(Festival - Christmas)



Year 4


Christianity LKS2

(Christianity in action)

Christianity LKS2

(Festival - Easter)


Year 5


Whose world is it?

(Creation stories)

Christianity UKS2

Year 6




Prejudice and Tolerance

Subject Leader: Paula Maple

Religious Studies Progression Grid