
Safeguarding and the Welfare of Children



Safeguarding at Millbrook Junior School

The safeguarding of children here at Millbrook Junior School is of paramount importance to us.  At Millbrook Junior School we have a dedicated team of DSLs who work hard to keep our children safe.  We follow the procedures set out by our Safeguarding Policy and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education, in particular Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.  Every member of our school community has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.  All staff at our school have an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ and any action is always taken with the best interests of the child at heart.  As a school we listen to the views of children and families and provide early help intervention wherever possible.  Any safeguarding concerns are investigated and logged on our reporting system – CPOMS. 

Our safeguarding policy (on the right hand side) explains more about what we do.  

What should I do if I am concerned about a child?

If you have any concerns about the welfare of any child in our school, or you wish to discuss  aspects of safeguarding, please speak with our Designated Safeguarding Lead or one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.  They will be able to advise you as to what to do next.



What should I do if it is out of school hours and school is closed?

If a child is in immediate danger, contact the police and/or ambulance service directly on 999.

If there is no immediate danger, you will need to decide the level of need and risk before you can take action. The Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website can help you decide the next step to take.

If you are not sure what to do and need some advice, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

Telephone: 0300 126 1000

Email: MASH@nctrust.co.uk.

If you need to contact children's social care urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, phone the out of hours team on 01604 626938.

An operator will answer the phone and take details of the problem and your contact details. They will then pass this information over to the duty social worker.


You can find out more information about safeguarding in Northamptonshire by going to the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website or click here.


 If you would like to know more about safeguarding at a national level then please visit the NSPCC website or click here.





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