
Food and Drink


At Millbrook Junior School, all children need a packed lunch. We ask that this should be a healthy lunch including some fruit or vegetables to count towards the children’s five a day. For some ideas, please visit: www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes/.

Children should also bring a healthy snack for breaktime. A piece of fruit is ideal for this as it is healthy and can be eaten in the time given.

Lunches can be provided by Love Food, which is an external company, and ordered through them. There is a choice each day and they cater for different allergies or dietary requirements. If you have any queries regarding your child’s school meals please email: Lovefoodjm@outlook.com 

If you think you might be entitled to free school meals, please have a look on the Northamptonshire website and complete a form. Additional funding may also come into the school, which will benefit your child. http://www3.northamptonshire.gov.uk/councilservices/children-families-education/schools-and-education/Pages/free-school-meals.aspx

Whist we are not a nut free school, we do have some children who have nut allergies. We would like to ask that the following things are not brought into school:

  • Packs of nuts
  • Peanut butter sandwiches
  • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
  • Cakes that contain nuts
  • Nutella
  • Other food products that contain nuts.
  • Food products which may contain traces of nuts may still be brought.

We will be alert to any obvious signs of nuts being brought into school, but we will not inspect all food brought. 

It is also important that children do not share their food in school. We will look out for obvious signs of food sharing, but please make your children aware of the ‘no sharing’ rule in school. 


We expect all the children to bring a water bottle into school and we do ask that this contains water. This will be with the children all day and they will be encouraged to have regular drinks. This can be refilled throughout the day from water coolers in the year group areas. You may wish to send in a different drink in their lunchbox.


We ask at the start of the year for parents to complete a form telling us of any allergies. This makes things easier as when we do cooking or food tasting in class, we already know if there is anything that the children should not be eating. If anything changes please let us know so that our records can be updated.